Saturday, August 15, 2009


writers block
lack of "me" time
little people
scattered thoughts
overwhelmed at times
much on my mind
unable to share

you could say these are excuses but they are my reasons for being absent over the last month or so. it is therapeutic for me to sit down and write out my thoughts and often i have used this blog to do just that, however, lately i have not even written my thoughts out for myself, let alone to actually spend the time to siphon through them to share what i am comfortable with. so as i sit down to the comforting sound of jennifer knapp playing in the background and sipping some real Kenyan coffee imported this week via a dear friend who just got back from Pokot land in Kenya i find the urge to write as my boys are sleeping.

where to even begin... i guess a quick update and a few pictures to appease those... then hopefully i can share my heart, when the timing is right

making new friends and trying to be light, please pray

saying goodbye to old friends, seems to be my specialty, as MANY of my closest friends do not live in town

Chris is getting more involved in the band at church

we are starting financial peace at the end of the month (praying that the Lord uses this dynamic class to help us pay off debt and medical bills... it could be life-changing if we allow Him to change us from the inside out)

progress is being made with Levi's gastrointestinal issues which causes his pain and screaming

Eli has been having night terrors so we are up many nights praying for him and trying to calm him back to sleep as they cause him to pitch a temper tantrum when he wakes up groggy, frustrated, and mad for being awake in the middle of the night

trying to find parenting books to read up on as Eli has proven to be smarter than his own good! although he is only 22 months, often his behaviors and intellect are far beyond his months, however, so is his anger and stubbornness! suggestions are welcomed!

on a side note... i shaved Chris' head since his receding hairline was starting to drive him crazy!