Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

please do NOT let anyone tell you that I am writing this while watching Eli take a bath, nope NOT ME!

please do NOT call DSS if you see my son this week... I swear he has just been accident prone, despite NOT having a huge scrape on his head from NOT walking into Meme and Babu (my parent's) ping pong table, he most certainly did NOT get a busted lip and bloody nose this weekend, nor did he fall off of a baby toy in nursery and get a 2 inch scrape on his back.

Eli did NOT poop in the closet while I was preparing the shower for us this past week! NO because that means I would have two closet poopers... Bono & Eli!

i did NOT get scammed this week while trying to order a digital camera from and not only did i NOT get scammed, they did NOT max out my credit card even though my order was canceled!

i did NOT wait for almost thirty minutes at starbucks just in hopes that they would be able to fix the steaming machine.

i have NOT grown out of my clothes because i most certainly have not gained XX lbs ALREADY... with officially 11 more weeks to go!

sadly since my camera is NOT broken, i do not have any updated pictures which is in part why i have slacked at the blogging... because no one wants to just read my words!


a&p said...

I like reading your words, pictures or no pictures. You sound quite busy! Your adventures make me feel tired, so I can't imagine how you're feeling. Wishing you much patience and energy!