Tuesday, March 15, 2011

thankful tuesday

so im totally behind... not that i have not been thankful but life has been chaotic to say the least. lets see if i can catch up a bit

21) numbing medicine & a dr on scene of Eli's accident
22) blessings of a monetary gift
23) new britax booster/car seat for Eli (old booster/carseat hurt his back) with $
24) paying off a debt!
25) using extra money to pay for all of my 17p shots and learning that the cost was going up from $15 to $1500 and being able to still get them at $15 per shot
26) baby kicks and hiccups
27) Eli's heart for Africa... when asked if he wants a brother or sister he says brother because sister is in Africa! (unprompted!)
28) cell phones to be able to text and talk to Chris while away
29) computers so we can see the progress of our new house
30) sunshine and warmer weather
31) 22 month old adorableness
32) learning to knit
33) online sermons... current series on acts from church of brook hills
34) Dr a few houses down who is willing to give me my weekly shots
35) figuring out my gallbladder triggers are: beans, nuts, eggs, and too much dairy
36) chick-fil-a playground as a fun distraction and way to get out of the House
37) all the construction going on around us to keep my boys happy
38) the joy that trash trucks bring my boys... tomorrow will be a fun morning for them
39) not having to cook or make sure the house is picked up or i look put together cause its just me, as Chris is in columbia
40) friends who check up on me
41) my parents who were a huge help in the ER and took us to mcdonalds as Eli's treat for being good
42) for Merrie Jo and our daily chats
43) tickle-time
44) Levi now saying "Hug me"... he has the bestest hugs of the family!
45) that God is STILL in control despite the earthquake, nuclear exposure, tsunami, wars, chaos worldwide