My dear friend, Julie, who is now serving the Lord 1/2 way around the world has encouraged me by her weekly posts of thankfulness. Despite the difficulties to find God's hand in the situation even when it is not pretty. The challenge is to write and share 1,000 things you are grateful to God for. Maybe over a few weeks. Maybe a few months. The timetable is up to you. When you get to 1,000 you start over. The point of blogging (or finding another way to share) your thank-yous is to encourage and build up your community.
I have put this off for a while and each week I say I will start next week, but I have not... so here it goes
LORD I thank You for...
1. Levi's compassion in rubbing my back as I throw up each day
2. Chris' hard work to provide for our family
3. Eli's energy because it means he can run, play, be all boy
4. A great cup of coffee this morning with homemade vanilla icecream, after a rough night of little sleep
5. Reunited friends from college, Sarah & Anna and their sons Hudson & Titus
6. G-chat with Rachel and even being able to call her in Uganda
7. the rain to bring in the color green
8. peaceful, authentic music that draws me to my Savior
9. throwing up, because it means my little baby is healthy
10. chick-fil-a french fries (which are about the only thing I crave)
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